Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Now With 95% More PINK!

Notice anything different? Do ya? Do ya? Do ya?
I gave my blog a makeover. WITH PINK! And I did it ALL BY MYSELF. Which, kind of obvious maybe.
I was poking around with my HTML and you guys, I'm pretty sure I had the same expression on my face as a monkey trying to tie a bow.
But it was really fun. And I made all the little imagey things. And if you click on the twitter thing IT ACTUALLY WORKS!
So, what do you think? Too much pink? Weird? Hurt your eyeballs? Do let me know if there's anything you hate/love!


  1. Now I am not a fan of pink but I think your blog looks very nice. I love the little pics especially the followers one with Squirrels!

  2. Aww, thanks Affi'enia! I'm like pink in theory, but I didn't really PLAN to use it... This is accidental pink!


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